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6/9/16 Shabam! will be playing at the Hear Now Audio Festival in Kansas City Missouri
5/10/16 Stage Three received distribution from Pacific Voice Inc.
4/1/16 Shabam! got partial sponsorship by Google's Making and Science Team
5.15.15 "Stopping for Death" just signed with Passion River Films! Passion River will be distributing the film on the educational, DVD and VOD platforms. First stop is Univerisities and Libraries with VOD in late fall, early winter! More details to come.
4/10/15 "Stopping for Death" will be coming to a theater near you through the TUGG platform. Visit our TUGG page to request a screening of the film, or see where it will be playing.
3/4/15 Stage Three is an official selection at the Athens International Film and Video Festival, details to come!
11.10.14 "Concrete, Bulletproof, Invisible, and Fried: My Life as a Revolting Cock", the audio book that Wendy produced with the incomparable Chris Connelly is now available via Amazon, Itunes or Audible.
11.4.14 Our amazing Composer, Joel Martin just won a Hollywood Music in Media Award for the song "Coming Home" from "Stopping for Death"!!!! We couldn't be more proud!
11.01.14 Stopping For Death is a finalist in the IAFOR International Documentary Film Awards.
9.9.14 Stage Three is an official selection in the Cincinnati Film Festival.
1.15.14 To all of our fans in Belgium--Stopping For Death has been accepted into official competition at The International Health Film Festival Images Santé. We will be screening Tuesday, March 18th at 15:50.
12.15.13 We are so please that Stopping For Death got into Salt Spring Documentary Fest in BC. Screening 3/2/14 10:00am.
11.21.13 Our film will be screening at The Linda WAMC's Performing Arts Studio as part of their "Food For Thought" Cinema Series. Those of you in the NY area please check it out!
9.22.13 We were accepted into the Newburyport Documentary Film Festival in Massachusettes. If you are in the Boston area, come visit the coast! We screen on 9/22/13 at 2:30pm at The Screening Room.
5.12.13 We got a wonderful review in Vancouver's leading Arts and Culture paper. Thank you to Martin Dunphy for writing it! You can read it HERE.
5.12.13 More good news! We are going to be screening at the amazing DOXA Documentary Festival in Vancouver, Canada. We are screening on SUNDAY MAY 12 | 5:30 PM | Vancity Theater. Spread the word!
4.13.13 We are thrilled to announce that STOPPING FOR DEATH: THE NURSES OF WELLS HOUSE HOSPICE will be screening at the Athens International Film and Video Festival in Athens, Ohio. Our screening time is 3:15 at the lovely Athena Theater. Don't miss it!
2.20.13 Jessica Thigpen, the brilliant actress who plays "Margot" in Stage Three has been accepted into the MA program at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland!
1.25.13 Sesame Street just announced the air date for a project that Josh Kurz and Wendy Roderweiss produced last summer. Tune in on 4/18/13, show #4325 to see their film "Paper Folder" with the AMAZING Matt Shlian.
10.5.12 Team Hemi broke a Land-speed record at the Bonneville Salt flats read about it here: and watch a video of the qualifying run here:
11.7.12 Stage One schedule to show every day this week on Moviola
1.10.12 Stage One to Premiere on Moviola Film Channel in February
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